50 years of Olympics in Kiel & GIDJM in August 2022

10 - 21 AUGUST 2022
50 years after the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, Augsburg & Kiel, the Schleswig-Holstein state capital will once again host a festival of sailing: Various championship formats of the 1972 Olympic boat classes and the Combined International German Youth Championships (GIDJM) will take place as part of the anniversary celebration.

Co-organizing clubs

50 years after the Olympic flame was lighted in Schilksee, the anniversary will be celebrated at the same place.
Be part of an unforgettable sailing event that combines the flair of 1972 with the modern sailing of today!
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The Classes

The Starlings will hold their District Championships (Blue Star Event) in August 2022. The six-meter boat competed in the Olympics until the 2012 London Olympics.

The World Championship of the Tempest is one of the highlights of this unique regatta week. The Tempest was represented in the Olympics until the 1976 Olympics and were replaced by the Star.

The Dragon family meets in Kiel for an extraordinary ranking regatta. The last time the Dragons sailed in Kiel as an Olympic boat class was in 1972.

Flying Dutchman
The new 2022 German champions will be crowned in Kiel at their International German Championship (IDM). The Flying Dutchman class were an Olympic boat class from 1960 to 1992.
Olympic Sailing Center Schilksee
Combined International German Youth Championchips (GIDJM)
As part of the anniversary regatta with the Olympic classes from 1972, the Combined International German Youth Championships will also be held in Kiel-Schilksee. This will create a link between the established classes of 1972 and the modern sailing classes of today.
The Classes
Classes: 29er, 420er, Europe, ILCA 4, ILCA 6, Optimist, Pirat, Open Windfoil Youth and Teeny.




ILCA (Laser)



Open Windfoil Youth